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Autism Consulting Service
Gastrointestinal Difficulties
One of the first areas of concern that researchers started paying attention to beyond the so called "symptoms of autism" were difficulties in the digestion of food. Adults on the spectrum explained that there were a number of different reasons that they become 'picky' with their food choices. Much of what they choose to eat is due to the sensory discomfort of the specific food, be it the smell, the feel (slimy, mushy, etc.), the sight or the sound one makes when chewing it which is too much for their acute hearing. Many of them also claim that it is difficult to mix the textures of foods in their mouth so they prefer to eat one thing at a time and find that meals where everything is mixed together such as in a casserole are repulsive to them. However, as time passed we have discovered that there are a lot of other gastrointestinal issues that are co-morbid with autism and must also be dealt with if we are going to lower the amount of stress and anxiety the individual deals with on a daily basis.
Enzyme Deficiency
What it is: Lack of specific enzymes for proper digestion or lack of response by enzymes. An example is celiac disease which is the inability to digest wheat due to the lack of the enzyme in the body to break it down. However, one or any number of enzymes may be involved
What you see: Refusal eat to specific foods. The specific food that this enzyme works on is not digested properly. The undigested food may appear in the bowel movements. The presence of this food leads to pain and discomfort which will be demonstrated by an increase in agitation and the use of coping behaviours.
History: Typically has a genetic component. Our bodies are efficient in that they only create what is needed by the body so going without a certain food for an extended period of time may lead to a situation in which the body stops making the enzymes needed for that food. It will take time to return the body to this task.
What we see on the SCIO: deficiency of enzymes, dysfunction in endocrine system (where ensymes are created), sensitivity to certain foods.
What we do with the SCIO: balance the enzymes, supply the nutrients needed to create the enzymes through frequencies, work on healing the endocrine system, work on miasms to clear the genetic weakness.
What you can do at home: addition of specific enzymes (for example: lactase) to the body to aid digestion. Avoidance of the food that cannot be digested properly.
Be aware that the activity of enzymes can also be affected by a number of different factors, which are mentioned throughout this page.
Leaky Gut
What it is: holes in the intestinal lining which allow morphates to enter the blood stream during the digestive process and go to the brain where they act as opium on the brain. If we do not have a leaky gut these protein particles are broken down further and used by the body as nutrition.
What you see – preference to eat only wheat and dairy products and will do anything to get them. This is an addiction.
History: parasites in the intestinal system: usually undetected.
What we see on the SCIO – parasites, buildup of leaky gut toxins in the body on homotoxicology
What we do on the SCIO – specify and zap the parasites, work on the healing of the intestinal system, remove the toxins caused by leaky gut that are affecting the body.
What you can do at home - remove all gluten, casein and soy and other vegetable proteins from diet until healed. You may want to do parasite cleanses from time to time to ensure it doesn’t come back.
Food Poisoning
What is it: exposure to bacteria through our food. If it is not cleared it takes up residence in the duodenum of the gastrointestinal system where it blocks the production secretin and GABA.
What you see: may result in epilepsy and problems with acid build up in intestinal area and esophagus. Often have problems sleeping due to the buildup of acid. Main behavioural indicator of this problem is constantly chewing on something due to the lack of secretin in the body. The production of saliva triggers the production of secretin in the duodenum.
History: exposure to food poisoning – may or may not have been detected.
What we see on the SCIO: Food poisoning as the top risk, shortage of secretin and GABA in the neurotransmitter area, problems with the esophagus.
What we do on the SCIO: Work on food poisoning on auto focus zap and make sure it is cleared from the body. Focus rebuilding efforts on duodenum and healing the esophagus.
What you can do at home: Supplement with secretin (transdermal patches are available but one needs prescription, at least here in Canada), GABA and Immune 26 to build up resistance to bacteria.
What is it: A hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system to either foods or inhalants.
What do you see: Reactions to inhalants or foods. These may include abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, itchy skin, hives, irritation of the nose, sneezing, itching, and redness of the eyes, headache, asthmatic symptoms, caused by narrowing of the airways and increased production of mucus in the lungs, shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing.
History: There appear to be both genetic and viral links to allergies.
What we see on the SCIO: allergies, allersodes,
What we do on the SCIO: although there are a lot of different programs on the SCIO which work directly with allergies, we find that we have the best results completing the autism protocol on the client using allergies as the focus instead of autism.
What you can do at home: Determine what your body is reacting to and remove from diet and or environment. Recognize the reactions to allergies may appear behavioural.
What is it: inflammation of the intestinal system (enterocolitis, IBS, Chrons) due to the presence of the measles virus living in the intestinal system.
What you see: The major indicator of this problem is bowel problems – either diarrhea or constipation. Pain in stomach or intestinal areas. Often have problems sleeping.
History: A change in behaviour after receiving the MMR or being exposed to measles in the environment.
What we see on the SCIO – inflammation and infection is detected. Digestive problems. Stressed bowel.
What we do on the SCIO – check to see if measles is living in the body and zap it. Work on inflammation and the whole digestive system and use the stem cell program to rebuild these organs.
What you can do at home: work on relieving the inflammation with your doctor.
Causes: overgrowth of candida in the intestinal system– lack of bowel flora.
What you see: These are the flappers. May also search out deep pressure on torso. May crave sugar or carbs, especially when on a gluten/casein free diet. May appear drunk.
History: Usually have been given antibiotics at some point in their lives. We all have some candida living in our intestinal system but it is kept in check by the bowel flora, the good bacteria that our body needs to function effectively. When we take antibiotics we kill the good bacteria along with the bacteria we are focusing on. This allows the candida to increase in number. Candida live on sugar and so the more sugar we feed them the faster they multiply.
What we see on the SCIO: problems with the fungus miasm, fungus, and low levels of bowel flora.
What we do with the SCIO: Clear candida on auto focus zap – five times for five consecutive five weeks. Finish with a bowel flora auto focus zap when we are done clearing the candida. Do the miasmic/chromosomes and echoes and harmonics on the fungus miasm to clear the ancestral patterns and the impact of these patterns on the body.
What you can do at home: Limit sugar, yeast and white foods in diet and exposure to fungus in the environment. Supplement with probiotics. Doctors may prescribe Nystatin to clear the candida from the body.
Sulphur Transferase Deficiency
What is it: The inability for the body to create the sulphates from our food that the liver needs to detox the body. Note that this has also been linked to phenols in the diet by some researchers. What you see: Black rings around the eyes. Heightened agitation levels after eating certain foods: those with high levels of salicylates.
History: May have genetic link or be connected to trauma to the liver at an early stage in life. Since the problem is created by a lack of an enzyme it may originate with pyroluria.
What we see on the SCIO: Liver problems, toxic build-up, lack of enzymes.
What we do with the SCIO: clear toxins from body, add enzymes, strengthen liver.
What you can do:Create a specialized diet based on foods without salicylates or low in salicylates. Epsom salt baths are beneficial as the body absorbs the sulphates, which allow the liver to use them to detox the body as it should.
What is it: bacterial infection in the stomach or intestines.
What you see: a constant need to eat, pain, aggression
What we see on the SCIO – pain, ulcers, digestive problems, infection
History: exposure to the bacteria that cause ulcers. High stress levels experienced in day to day living.
What we do with the SCIO – zap the bacteria and work on the healing of the stomach and digestive areas.
What you can do at home – antibiotics may be prescribed to remove the bacteria. This will also destroy the bowel flora in the intestines which in turn may lead to an increase in the amount of candida in the body. Supplement with probiotics.
Nutritional Deficiency and/or Excess
What is it: Lack and/or excess of nutrients in the body. Common with everyone on the spectrum, especially the picky eaters. All are short of fatty acids, but then so is everyone else these days. Best supplement I have found is Nelson’s Fatty Acids, which includes all 88 of the fatty acids.
- A common concern can be the ratio of zinc to copper in the body. It should be at 1:1, but typically in autism is more like 1:3. Too high levels of copper are a concern for the general population as well as those on the spectrum.
- High levels of manganese can lead to problem using the tongue and thus become one of the causes of the communication impairment. A specialized diet has been developed by the No Harm Foundation to rid the body of too much manganese. The level of manganese in the body affects our ability to use our tongue.
History: although not much is known about this condition to date some claim that it is the result a genetic metabolism factor, while others claim it is related to exposure to lymes (either through the environment or one’s DNA), or other pathogens.
What you see: white spots on fingernails, pale skin and/or poor tanning, and/or burns easily in the sun, sensitivity to bright light, hypersensitive to loud noises, reading difficulties, poor ability to cope with stress, mood swings, temper outbursts (may indicate sensory overload), difficulty in new situations or with changes in routine, poor short term memory, anxiousness, difficulty digesting, avoidance of proteins, tendency towards being a loner and/or avoiding large groups of people, feels very uncomfortable with strangers, easily upset by criticism, and experiencing bouts of depression or nervous exhaustion. Other symptoms include little or no dream recall, poor morning appetite and/or a tendency to skip breakfast which may be due to morning nausea, argumentative/enjoy argument, much higher capability and alertness in the evening, compared to mornings, abnormal body fat distribution, dry skin, stretch marks on skin, poor sense of smell or taste, frequently experience fatigue, have a tendency to overreact to tranquilizers, barbiturates, alcohol or other drugs (in other words, a little produces a powerful response), a tendency toward anemia, a history of mental illness or alcoholism in family, sweet smell (fruity odor) to breath or sweat when ill or stressed, prone to acne, eczema or psoriasis, a tendency toward feeling anxious, fearful and carrying lifelong inner tension, difficulty recalling past events or people and prone to frequent colds or infections.
What is it Pyroluria is a condition in which the body loses access to zinc and vitamin B6. Zinc is a necessary component in all of the enzymes that our body needs to function so a lack of zinc means that we cannot create the enzymes we use. Vitamin B6 is needed to reduce a build-up of stress in the body. At this point my research into pryoluria is limited, but it appears that there is a lot of confusion as to what happens in the body. It appears that during the synthesis of hemoglobin in the body there are waste products generated called kryptopyrroles which don’t serve any useful biological purpose and are normally excreted by most of us uneventfully from the body through our urine.Kryptopyrroles have a tendency to bind very strongly with things like zinc and vitamin B6, making them largely unavailable to the body. Some specialists in this area claim that these kryptopyrroles don’t get excreted and will tend to build up, even more so under stress of any kind while others claims that they are excreted and during excretion, take the zinc and vitamin B6 with them.
(Please be patient with us - getting all this information typed up whenever we have a free minute)