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Autism Consulting Service
Events: save the date!!
Never a dull moment!
Yes, raising a child with autism is one of the most difficult challenges one can face, especially without a clear understanding how they are experiencing life in their bodies.
Presenter Gail Gillingham, family therapist and author, took on that challenge over thirty years ago and has focused her time since developing as clear an understanding of autism as possible. She will be sharing this concise picture of autism from the inside, as well demonstrating methods that you as a parent, a family member and/or a professional can use to make everyone's life much easier.
A workshop for parents, other family members and anyone who is working in the field of autism.
Date: October 5, 2019
Time: 9 AM – 4 PM
Place: St. Albert Inn and Suites,
St. Albert Trail, St. Albert
Cost: $100.00 per person
Seating is limited so register early or pay at the door.
Copies of Gail's books:
Autism Handle with Care, Autism a New Understanding and
Just so Happy will in included in the cost of the registration.