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What I Have Learned via the SCIO

Autism and the SCIO

So what have I learned in these last 3 years: (written January, 2008) (updated in March, 2010)


1. that autism is a unique experience to each individual and that there is no specific treatment that will work the same for everyone on the spectrum.


2. that the SCIO is the only tool I have found for relieving the high level of stress and anxiety in the body of those with autism, and eliminating the viruses that have caused the blockage in the body to date.


3. that the work I do is more effective and works faster with  younger children than on the older ones, or on adults which is to be expected due to the build-up of stress and the trauma that has happened to the body over time.


4. that it takes time to heal the body from the trauma that has occurred over time.


5. that the initial trauma experienced by the individual, is exposure to a specific virus at a vulnerable stage in life: either in the womb or in infancy. This virus is unique to families based on the history of the family and exposure to that specific virus, leading to a weakness in the genetic strain that is passed on from the ancestors. Any type of virus can be the source of stress.  The immune system is not able to deal with the virus and it is stored in the body. This leads to a blockage which impedes the ability of the body to communicate freely a to socially interact. It also causes dysfunction in the immune system, the gastrointestinal system and the body's ability to detoxify. In the past the chance of exposure was limited because the exposure would have to come through direct exposure in the environment at the time. The chances of exposure in the present are high because of the vaccination process which makes it almost impossible for the child to miss out on the specific virus when given all of the vaccinations recommended by the medical establishment. When we remove these viruses from the body with the SCIO, the body can truly begin to heal itself.


6. that people on the autism spectrum are no more toxic than the rest of us, but we certainly are not doing anyone a favour by the choices we are making as a society,


7. that the adrenal systems of those on the spectrum have been taxed to their limit and are usually functioning at a hypo level.


8. that the reticular formation in brain, whose function is to keep us in an alert stage, to protect us from trauma, is usually stuck in an on position, which means that the body is reacting at a higher level to what is happening in the environment at all times. We can turn this off, which makes life more comfortable instantly, However, it will be turned on again if and when the body is stressed to an extreme.


9. that the research on the levels of zinc and copper in the bodies of those on the spectrum is partially correct. The majority of my clients have copper/zinc levels at a 3/1 ratio when they are supposed to be at a 1/1 ratio but it is not because they do not have enough zinc. It is because they have way too much copper, which is a common problem for most of us,


10. that most of those on the spectrum are very short of most of the enzymes we need in our bodies, not only the digestive ones.


11. that many of the people on the spectrum have leaky gut syndrome, but not all of them, And that many of my "typical" clients also are showing signs of leaky gut which indicates that it does not cause autism.


12. that many of the people on the autism spectrum would benefit from choosing a gluten and casein free diet, but not all of them.


13. that allergies are a common problem for many of those on the autism spectrum but not all of them.


14. that the immune systems have been compromised and that not being "sick" is not necessarily an indication that we are dealing with a healthy body.


15. that the dark circles under the eyes does indicate a dysfunction in the body's ability to metabolize sulphur which leads to the use of extreme behaviours to deal with the discomfort, as well as problems with digestion, toxicity, and the function of immune system. This is a genetic difference that is separate from autism, though it often accompanies it.


16. that there is a correlation between the need to chew (mouth) objects and a lack of secretin in the body. Secretin is produced by the pancreas and is used in the digestive process to turn on the enzymes and to neutralize the acid in the stomach. A lack of secretin leads to high levels of pain. Supplementing with digestive enzymes is a waste of effort if the secretin is not present to turn them on.


17. that resistance to change is a major problem for not only those on the autism spectrum, but also for all of us.


18. that a high level of manganese may be one of the factors negatively affecting the ability to speak. To much manganese leads to a difficulty using the tongue.


19. that the levels of tyrosinase and tyrosine and the functioning of the thyroid glad all affect our ability to talk freely.


20. that some of the individuals on the spectrum also have a disroder called pyroluria, which can be caused by a variety of different factors.

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