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Medical Research to Date


Note: this list is continuously growing over time as more and more people begin to concentrate their energies on the medical concerns associated with autism. This list is limited to the information that I have had the time and ability to gather together throughout the years. There may be much more out there. I do not offer this information as a medical practitioner but only as a list of what has been discovered by others and the treatments that have been suggested (usually DAN doctors). This list will definitely be added to and changed over time as we learn more.


Each person on the autism spectrum may be affected by none, one, or several of these medical concerns so all treatment must be conducted on an individual basis dependent on symptoms, test results and needs. The only treatment I can offer myself is the biofeedback therapy through the SCIO which decreases the stress level by removing the blockages in the body. The SCIO does not diagnose any of the following conditions or treat them in a medical way. You need to go to your own doctor if you wish to follow up on any of this information through a medical practitioner. However, we can use the scio to clear the blockages in the body that cause these different problems which are co-morbid to autism in the body, in much the same way that we clear the blockages that cause autism.


Medical Problems in Conjunction with Autism,

which have been noted to date.

  1. Candida

  2. Clostridia

  3. Heavy Metal build-up

  4. Antibodies: may be missing, lower than normal or elevated.

  5. Immune Deficiency

  6. Auto immune responses

  7. Gamma Interferon

  8. Reflex esophagus

  9. Decreased levels of digestive enzymes.

  10. Deficiency in certain digestive enzymes.

  11. Insufficient levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

  12. Increased copper/zinc ratio (from 1/1 to 3/1) Elevated opiate peptides from wheat, milk and soy High level of antibodies to wheat milk and soy

  13. Elevated or low levels of uric acid

  14. Increased levels of mercury)

  15. Elevated succinyl purines

  16. Abnormal cholesterol metabolism

  17. Elevated PKU

  18. Ear infections  a constant  in children I work with

  19. Constipation    common

  20. Diarrhoea  common

  21. Defect in ability to detoxify

  22. Phenol sulfur-transferase defect Defect in the delivery of secretin from the pancreas to the stomach

  23. Defective cellular immunity especially in the NK cell activity

  24. Elevation of interleukin-2 and 12.

  25. PST enzyme defect

  26. methyl tetra hydra folate reductase (an enzyme)

  27. deficiency in bowel flora (probiotics)

  28. Excess of maganese (leads to inability to control tongues.


Symptoms which indicate a medical or physical complication:

  1. Heightened reaction to sensory stimulation

  2. Difficulties in toilet training

  3. Disturbances in sleep patterns

  4. Stomach pain

  5. Limited Diet

  6. Acid reflux

  7. Mouthing objects

  8. Constipation

  9. Diarrhoea

  10. Undigested food in the stool.

  11. Selective eating habits or a very limited diet

  12. Pica

  13. Periods of crying for no apparent reason

  14. Eczema

  15. Asthma

  16. Allergies

  17. Sudden onset of autistic symptoms and behaviours after a time of normal development

  18. A severe or unusual reaction to vaccinations

  19. Abrupt regression after vaccinations

  20. Excessive amounts of saliva

  21. Mouth breathing,

  22. Black rings around the eye

  23. Red ears

  24. Red ring around the anus

  25. Reading problems

  26. Fear of heights; caution when moving up or down.

  27. Exposure to high levels of antibiotics

  28. Seeking deep pressure for the body


Suggested Causes to date:

  1. A genetic predisposition or vulnerability combined with an assault to the system through a combination of factors which may include:

  2. lack of breast feeding

  3. early introduction to gluten

  4. early use of cows milk

  5. use of antibiotics

  6. maternal allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome or leaky gut (pre-sensitization in the womb)

  7. maternal exposure to virus during pregnancy

  8. ancestral exposure to viruses carried on through the genes

  9. viral exposure in infancy

  10. leaky gut

  11. parasites

  12. GI infections

  13. early introduction to sugar, too much sugar in diet

  14. vaccinations

  15. mercury in vaccinations, dental fillings, food or the environment

  16. exposure to mercury during gestation from maternal dental fillings

  17. exposure to different toxins in the environment

  18. exposure to high levels of energetic frequencies from the environment such as radiation, alpha and gamma rays, electrical frequencies

  19. turning off the immune system through the use of pain killers during times of high fever, etc.

  20. MMR may lead to elevated levels of IgA (measles antibody) which then attacks the myelin basic protein in the brain. In these cases there are no antibodies to Mumps developed after the MMR

  21. MMR may lead to the live measles virus taking up residence in the bowel system, and over time destroying it. In these cases the levels of IgA are very low or non-existent. However the individual will have antibodies to mumps and rubella in their system.

  22. Anergy (lack of immunity) to Candida, gingivitis and esophagitis, develops 6 weeks after the MMR.

  23. DPT and/or mercury  block the G protein, which affects the calcium channel function, which in turn leads to structural changes in the retinal in the visual cycle.

  24. Mercury destroys the enzyme activity of DPP IV, which is essential to digest opiates from wheat and milk.



  • an adequate diagnosis from your family physician

  • proper testing

  • individual treatment plan based directly on test results.

  • energetic assessment and stress reduction therapy through the SCIO or QXCI


Gastrointestinal Problems




2.    Inability to break down gluten, casein and soy proteins to amino acid level during digestion process.

  • All but one of the 22 amino acids found in nature can be combined to form peptides (two to a dozen or so) or in large numbers (thousands) proteins. When you eat a protein, the digestive process breaks down the protein molecule into shorter and shorter segments, the ultimate goal being the liberation of single amino acids, which are then absorbed into the blood stream to be used as raw materials throughout the body. If the digestive process is incomplete and/or there is a leakiness of the intestinal wall separating the intestinal contents from the blood stream, short segments of several amino acids (peptides) may enter the blood. These peptides may then join other peptides that your body has created to carry messages from one place to another in your body. We know these as hormones and endorphins, which have numerous roles in the regulating of your biochemical balance. When the peptides gliadorphin (from gluten) and casomorphin (from casein) reach the brain they act like opium by binding to the opiate receptor sites in the brain.

  • Leaky gut is a condition in which parasites have created holes in the lining of the gut. The hole allow the peptides to enter the blood stream before they have been broken down past the morphin state.



  • a gluten free, casein free and soy free diet. Takes up to three months to know if it is working or not.

  • dietary supplements with enzymes (peptidases) which aid in the more complete digestion of proteins may also help.

  • energetic assessment and stress reduction therapy through the SCIO or QXCI.

  • if Leaky gut - parasite cleanse to clear them fromthe intestinal system.


3.    Defect in the pancreatic system. Lack of secretin during the digestion process

  • The stimulus for secretin comes from specialized cells lining the upper small intestine which detect the arrival of the acidic contents in the stomach.

  • Further digestion requires action by the pancreatic enzymes which work best after the acidic stomach contents are neutralized by the alkaline digestive fluids produced by the pancreas.

  • Secretin is released by the “S” cells in the duodenum when triggered by the acidic pH of the stomach contents.

  • It enters the general circulation of the blood s


4.    Candida  (yeast infection)

  • The use of antibiotics kills the good bacteria in the intestine along with the bacteria that is being used for.

  • This leads to an increase in the level of yeast in the intestines.

  • Sugar increases the level of yeast 200X.

  • Presence of yeast in the  intestines leads to an  increase levels of arabinose.

  • Arabinose modifies the protein structure

  • This leads to the formation of pentosidine

  •  Pentosidine cross links result in decreased solubility-neurofibrillary tangles, increased resistance to proteases, decreased enzyme activity, decreased access to coenzymes requiring free amino of lysine: B-6, lipoic acid and biotin, decreased flexibility of structural proteins in collagen and muscles and stimulation of auto immune disease by cross linked and glycosylated proteins.



  • Medicate with antifungals such as nystatin and restricted diet.

  • Reconstitute normal bacteria (Lactobacillus and Bifobacterium) or use acidolphilousplus or one culturelle capsule per day

  • 4 primal defence capsules per day.

  • Energetic assessment and stress reduction therapy through the SCIO or QXCI.


5.    Clostridia (bacterial infection)

  • Causes tetanus, diarrhoea, and botulism (food poisoning)

  • Forms spores that are highly resistant to heat and antibiotics. However dies when exposed to oxygen.

  • There are about 100 species of Clostridia in the GI tract.


  • vancomycin, flagyl and Lactobacillus acidophilus GG

  • energetic assessment and stress reduction therapy through the SCIO or QXCI


6. Lack of adequate levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

  • leads in problems in the digestion of food

  • secretin is not stimulated

  • pain during digestion

  • acid reflux due to the lack of neutralization by secretin



  • Addition of acid to the digestion process. Lemon juice or a tablespoon of cider vinegar can be drunk just before one eats

  • Hydrochloric acid pills may also be added to the meal during consumption. Be careful that the acid doesn’t touch the teeth.

  • Energetic assessment and stress reduction therapy through the SCIO or QXCI.


Other Issues


Heavy Metals

  • Mercury: from vaccines, fish, dental fillings, light bulbs

  • Lead: from paint, gas additive and solder

  • Cadmium: from shellfish. cigarette smoke and tires

  • Arsenic from seafood, herbicides and chicken

  • Copper: from copper cookware, copper pipes, water treatment, often included in vitamin pills.

  • Aluminium: drinking water, cooking utensils, additive to frozen foods.

  • Antimony: pyjamas, carpet (added as a flame retardant)

  • Tin

  • Other metals may also be present



  • Detoxify with DMSA or other chelation procedures. Be extremely cautious with this treatment. Be aware that some our children have died during it. This process not only removes the metals we can't use but also those we need. For example. Copper/Zinc ratio should be at 1/1, however with many of our children it is elevated to 3/1. Be cautious with any chelation process such as  DSMA as it also removes the zinc.

  • Removal of all mercury containing dental fillings

  • Metallothinein protocol for high levels of copper

  • Energetic assessment and stress reduction therapy through the SCIO or QXCI.

  • Natural Cellular defense: zeolite


Deficiency in Sulphur Transferase Ability

  • Phenol sulfotransferase is an enzyme known to be deficient or inhibited in many people within the autism spectrum

  • It is responsible for cleaning neurotransmitters out of the brain and works within the liver to help remove other toxins. This may be one of the causes of heavy metal toxicity in autism. In order to make certain that the liver is working at it's best, the process of converting sulphur from our foods to a sulphate which can be used to create the necessary enzyme.

  • The symptoms include fragmented vision, perception, exposure anxiety, emotional hypersensitivity, muscle tension, compulsive rocking, muscular twitching, squealiness, attention problems, muscular aches and pains, allergic shiners (black rings around the eyes), difficulty sleeping, OCD. It mimics a cocaine affect instead of an opium affect in the brain.

  • Two types of problems: salicylate allergy in which the auto immune system reacts using antibodies to this natural substance as if it is a germ and salicylate intolerance in which the body is not able to detoxify at a fast enough rate to keep the levels of this substance in the body to a tolerable, non toxic level. Salicylates are found in 80% of our foods and in many medications. Some people have one or both of these problems. The second sometimes leads to the first, but not always.

  • Some Doctors advocate using MSM (essentially organic sulphur) as a supplement to add sulphur to the body and this works for some people. Children who have an usual odour at night, or in their bedclothes, or who sweat in their sleep may be helped by MSM. However, if one is saclicylate intolerant, one's body is unable to deal with the sulphur which can then cause liver damage. Research in England with a number of adults on the spectrum turned up this damage in a short period of time. The subjects reported an increase in OCD, irritability, as well as increased problems with digestive system and the immune system. Some of the group then received a diagnosis of cirrhosis, so we must be very cautious with MSM.

  • Epsom salts in the bath and using a sulphate as a supplement such as glutamine sulphate or glucosomine do not have the same result. Research has indicated that the body is able to absorb and use the sulphate from the Epsom salt baths. However, the magnesium in these baths does not appear to be absorbed at this time.

  • Again, the SCIO can be helpful for this problem as it restores the health of the liver.



Many of our children and adults have problems with a variety of allergies. The most important thing to know about this is the need to measure IgA, IgE and IgG levels, not just the typical IgE.

IgG levels may indicate an allergy or sensitivity to gluten, which is totally different than the lack of ability to break up to protein to amino acid levels. Often inherited. The intestine is damaged by the gluten as the T cells attack the intestinal wall. This may be what leads to a leaky gut.

The presence of IgG indicates a problem in this area. However, a lack of IgG does not mean that there is not a problem if there is also an IgA deficiency. The best test is a biopsy of the small intestine, which of course is invasive so one would likely prefer to try a gluten free diet and test for the antibodies first.

The SCIO can help identify the allergies the body is dealing with.

Balancing the Immune System or Immune Modulation Therapy

The goal is to normalize the immune response in the body.

Known Treatments to Date:

¨      Anti-inflammatory medication

¨      Steroids

¨      Gamma immune therapy

¨      Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IV-Ig) (now also comes in an oral form)

¨      Autoantigen Therapy

¨      Plasmapheresis

¨      Transfer factor therapy. TF made from the leukocytes (one type of blood cells) of highly select blood donors (has worked on some). TF commercial form which is a bovine colostrum product (little research on autistic people). The efficiency of the bovine colostrum might be impacted by reaction to milk products.

¨      Immune 26: available through Legacy for Life. We are distributors. Balances the immune system through the ingestion of a specific egg powder. The chickens who have laid the eggs have been exposed to and developed immunity to 26 of the worst problems mankind is facing at this time (for example: strep, staph, salmonella, pneumonia, influenza, etc.). They are passing on this information to their offspring in the only way possible, in the egg. When we ingest the egg powder, we access the immune cofactors in the same way that we were able to access them from our mothers through her breast milk. This appears to be the most efficient and cheapest way to normalize the immune response. However, it is not effective for those who are allergic to either egg yolk or egg white.

¨      Energetic assessment and stress reduction therapy through the SCIO or QXCI.


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